Title: Death Trance Artist: uncredited Publisher: TOR Year: 1986 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Bali meets Tennessee as this Leyak swallows Memphis. One of the great things about GM's novels is the localizations. My wife's family all live in Germantown Tennessee and it's always cool to read about a place you have visited. This cover holds a special place in my heart as it was the first Masterton novel I purchased.
Title: Death Trance Artist: uncredited Publisher: Severn House Year: 1986 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A hardback edition of Death Trance from Severn House. I always was partial to publishers who published their hardback editions in a similar design so when you bought them all they looked like a matching set on your bookcase. This is an incredible painting. I've got to get this edition. I want, I want.
Another Kent Songer scan.
Title: Death Trance Artist: uncredited Publisher: Sphere Year: 1987 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A great paperback edition of Death Trance. This cover captures the spirit of the novel well. This novel takes place in Bali and Tennessee, incongruously enough. But the spirit world is not constrained by physical boundaries and perhaps the evil things in all of our mythologies can show up just as easliy at a crumbling Bhuddist temple on an island in the pacific as they can at a street party on Beale Street. Thank you Mariano, high priest of the dark brotherhood of the cover scanners.
Title: Death Trance Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: An excellent cover on this French Pocket edition of Death Trance. The paintings on the Pocket editions in France all have very colorful, almost children's book type artwork. This is a great sinister painting. This is the scariest Leyak yet. Thanks to Laurent Pannequin.