Title: Death Dream
Artist(s): Royo
Publisher: TOR
Year: 1988
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: This book is part two of the "Night Warriors" series and the cover leans towards science fiction (I often have seen this book in the SciFi section of used bookstores). While I like certain details of this cover such as the the gleaming metallic armor and the demon face in the sky, I also feel the cover fails to adequately capture the essence of the book.

Title: Death Dream
Publisher: Severn House
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: This is like most of Severn's editions. Nice painting, great layout and design. Artist/publishing info coming soon.

Thanks to Kent Songer for this one.

Title: Death Dream
Artist(s): uncredited
Publisher: Sphere
Year: 1990
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Hmmm. A book about a young child in Philadelphia who sees dead people. Where have I heard that plot before? Of course, this book came out years before a certain movie which shall remain nameless. An excellent cover and probably most faithful to the idea of the book.

Thanks to Mariano Baino.

Title: Les rivages de la nuit
Publisher: Pocket
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A French edition of Death Dream in the Pocket Terror series. I like.