Title: The Sweetman Curve
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Severn House
Year: 1979
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Amazing painting. Unfortunately I couldn't find a credit on the dust jacket. A cross between Edward Munch and Francis Bacon.

Title: The Sweetman Curve
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: ACE
Year: 1979
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Very James Bond. The lingerie clad blonde on the princess telephone says it all. Still very cool.

Title: The Sweetman Curve
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Sphere
Year: 1979
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Chicks in bikinis love guys with M-16 assault rifles. Another very deventies cover for this novel of political intrigue and mathematics. It's interesting that this edition and the ACE edition above, while different imprints and different artists, portray such a similar scene. Another contribution from the bookshelf of Darksecretz.

Title: The Sweetman Curve
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: ACE
Year: 1979
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Thanks to Peter Denny from down under for this ACE edition of The Sweetman Curve. I kind of like the lettering on this one and it is more understated than the other two paperback editions shown here.

Thanks Peter!