Title: The Sphinx
Artist: Jose Reyes
Publisher: Pinnacle
Year: 1978
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: The Sphinx is one of the power trio of initial horror novels that established Masterton's reputation in the genre. Kent Songer provided this great first printing for us all to marvel at. Masterton pillaged the legends and religious myths of all the world's great cultures and the books are always as educational as they are frightening. I must say, I like Pinnacle's early editions of Masterton's work. The foldout cover could fall into the "before nine beers, after nine beers" category.

Title: The Sphinx
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Star
Year: 1978
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A great cover for the Sphinx. I like the painting a lot and the font is sharp.

Title: The Sphinx
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: WH Allen
Year: 1983
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: This is a classic cover for one of Masterton's original horror masterpieces. A hardback from the massive collection of Ron Sutton.