Title: Solitaire Artist: uncredited Publisher: TOR Year: 1984 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another historical saga. I like the facets in the diamond and the illustration tells much about GM's sagas. It is focused around a woman and there is historical action a plenty with Zulu warriors, steam trains and ax wielding lumberjacks.
Title: Solitaire Artist: Jacket Design by Tim Gaydos Publisher: William Morrow Year: 1982 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A classy cover for a novel about a giant diamond, The Natalia Star. I love the tagline: A novel of explicit romance and violent adventure.
Title: Solitaire Artist: Publisher: Sphere Year: 1982 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A 1982 Sphere edition of Solitaire. The first one I have seen without some sort of diamond motif. But hey, that guy's pants are brighter than the sparkle of an 80 carat stone, anyway, and just as blinding! Thanks go to Darksecretz for another Sphere edition from her collection.
Title: Solitaire Artist: Photography by Bill Richmond Publisher: Hamish Hamilton Year: 1982 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A Hamish Hamilton hardback edition of Solitaire. A great photograph on the cover of this novel which is centered around a giant diamond. Hmmm, I'm betting that's a cubic zirconia. What do you think? Thanks to Kent Songer.
Title: Solitaire Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A paperback edition of Solitaire. A nice historical painting, although nothing that would jump off the shelf and scream "Read Me!" to a consumer.