Title: Ritual (aka Feast)
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Sphere
Year: 1989
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: This cover was donated by none other than Mariano Baino, director of the upcoming movie version of Ritual. Critics said of Mariano's feature Dark Waters:
"This movie is like Dario Argento on steriods,no true horror fan should miss it!"

Baino created a masterpiece that will be admired for generations.

This movie is what every horror film director really wanted to make and missed by at least a yard!

Dark Waters was a recipient of both the SPECIAL VINCENT PRICE AWARD, ROME FANTAFESTIVAL and the winner of the PRIX DU PUBLIC, MONTREAL FANTASIA.

I must say, the work of Masterton looks like it's in good hands. Perhaps we will finally see something truly scary in the cinema (besides the scariest movie in the world, Major League II starring Charlie Sheen).

See http://www.ritualmovie.com for details.

Also, here is a link to Mariano's listing on the Internet Movie Database website. A fantastic cover, by the way. Mmmmm, smells like Mom's home cooking.

Title: Ritual (aka Feast)
Artist: Jacket design and illustration by Trevor Newman
Publisher: Severn House
Year: 1988
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Another cover sent to me by Mariano Baino. A bit more abstract but very gorey. I notice Severn House has a certain kind of style with all of their titles. I'd imagine this is like the bits and pieces left over after a typical dinner at le Reposoir. I was thinking, you could take all of those old leper and amputee jokes and use them in a Ritual context:
Upon answering the door to her whorehouse, the madam was surprised to see an amputee.

"Look at yourself," the madam said, "no arms, no legs, what could you possibly do here?"

The amputee replied, "I rang the doorbell, didn't I?"