Title: The Manitou Artist: Ed Soyka Publisher: Pinnacle Books Year: 1976 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This is the film tie-in edition of the Manitou. The cover is a combination of an illustration and a picture from the film. I have a soft spot in my heart for this one. There are eight pages of photographs from the movie in the center of the book which I will scan and place here later. There's a great shot of Harry Erskine (Tony Curtis) in a big butterfly collar leisure suit.
Photo: Tony Curtis as Harry Erskine in the Manitou Comments: This is a photo from the Maniotu film tie-in. Tony Curtis was a perfect choice to play Harry Erskine in the film, in my opinion. Check out the length of that shirt collar! The seventies were awesome, you could fight ressurected Indian Medicine Men and look cool at the same time...
Photo: Misqaumacus from the Manitou Comments: Either Felix Silla or Joe Gieb as Misquamcus, evil reincarnate from the Manitou (they were both credited). Great makeup by Thomas R. Burman. I woke up with a girl who looked just like this in college. Ahh, the horror of it all.
Title: The Manitou Artist: Ed Soyka Publisher: Pinnacle Books Year: 1978 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This is a pre-film paperback edition of the Manitou. It has a cutout type of cover, a big trend in horror novel design for a while in the seventies and eighties. Don't see it much anymore. I like the layout of this one.
Title: The Manitou Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A hardback edition of The Manitou. I like this cover. It's a very abstract painting but it's nice. More info coming soon. Thanks to Kent Songer.
Title: The Manitou Artist: Publisher: CAPPELLI EDITORE Year: 1978 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: An awesome Italian edition of The Manitou bequeathed by Mariano Baino, film director and Masterton-phile. I love the painting and, hey, I may not speak Italian, but even I quiver at the words "lo spirito del male". Mariano says of this edition:
The Italian version of the Manitou is the first Masterton tome I ever read as a wide eyed 12 year old (it was very emotional when I re-discovered the book a while ago, hidden at the bottom of a closet, during a visit to my parent's house - the house were I grew up - in Italy). I still remember reading the book while on holiday and being scared for days.Thanks Mariano!
Title: The Manitou Artist: Publisher: Star Year: 1977 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: From Mariano Baino comes a great 1977 edition of The Manitou. A great 1970's kitsch painting. This American Indian is like "I'mmmm Baaa-aaaack" as he crawls from the sack of the viscous tumor.
Title: The Manitou Artist: Publisher: Star Year: 1980 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another contribution from Mariano. As he points out in his accompanying e-mail, they mispelled Graham's name! Notice the tagline "Evil Does Not Die...". Same tagline they used for the movie. This wood manifestation of Misquamacus is either really crazed or in the throes of sexual ecstasy. Check out the eyeballs rolled up into the top of the head.
Title: The Manitou Artist: Hope Forstenzer Publisher: Olmstead Press Year: 2001 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This is a new copy of The Manitou that I picked up today. It's a quality paper type of edition from Olsmtead Press in Chicago. I think their should definitely be more quality paper editions of Graham's work, although quality paper editions cost much more than paperbacks. I love this cover.
Title: The Manitou Artist: Publisher: Severn House Year: 1988 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: From Ron Sutton comes a great hardback edition of 'The Manitou'. The painting looks very similar to the style of the painting on Ritual and a few other Severn House editions. As I said in another comment, I love the fact that Severn House made GM's books look like a set you would be proud to line up in your bookcase. The painting here I assume is Misquamacus after being deformed by X-Rays. Thanks Ron!
Title: The Manitou Artist: Charles J. Lang Publisher: TOR Year: 1987 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This American edition of The Manitou comes to use from Lars-Ove's collection. It's another twist on the Wooden Misquamacus motif. As far as I remember, Misquamacus didn't appear in wooden form until 'Revenge of the Manitou', but then, what do I know?
Title: Hämnaren Ur Det Förgångna (The Manitou) Artist: Publisher: B Wahlströms Bokindistri AB Year: 1976 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A Swedish edition of 'The Manitou', and another edition in the Kalla Kårar series. Once again, GM's name is in tiny print on the cover and as Lars-Ove points out, they mispelled it. The cover itself is pretty cool looking, kind of an evil green-tinted double exposure psychedelia thing going on.
Thanks to Lars-Ove Karlsson for this one.
Title: Hämnaren Ur Det Förgångna (The Manitou) Artist: Publisher: B Wahlströms Bokindistri AB Year: 1981 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A later Swedish edition of 'The Manitou'. Lars-Ove sends us this one and says of it: This is a reprint of the Kalla Kårar book 20. No mention of the cover artist, but it doesn't look to have anything with the story anywayMaybe not, but I still like it. Again, notice the mispelling of GM's name. Five years between this and the printing above and they still couldn't get it right. Probably because it's printed too small for anyone to read anyway.![]()
Title: Manitou Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A French edition of The Manitou with a smashing cover. Thanks to Laurent Pannequin. ![]()