Title: The Hell Candidate
Publisher: Severn House
Year: 1980
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A hardcover edition of Masterton's take on Faust. A very primitive type of drawing. Looks kind of like a high school art project. Welcome to "The Demonic States of America". Hmmmm, Do you think if the president really kept a goat head and black candles on his desk and scratched a pentagram into the presidential seal anyone would notice? Probably. Now if it was the vice president absolutely no one would notice. Maybe this novel should be reworked and called something like "The Candidate and his Hellish Running Mate".

Thank you very much Ron Sutton for this fine addition to our collection.

Title: The Hell Candidate
Publisher: Pocket Books
Year: 1981
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Mag Read sent me this cover coincidentally the day after I had managed to find it in a used bookstore. It's a great image, the demon with the stars and stripes on his face. Wouldn't make a bad looking tatoo. Hmmmm.....

Thanks Mag!

Title: The Hell Candidate
Publisher: Corgi
Year: 1981
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Another edition of THC, this time from the U.K. Quite a nasty creature but probably no worse than a lot of the presidents we have had. I wonder if he's in favor of raising taxes?