Title: The Heirloom Artist: Publisher: Pocket Books Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: The Hierloom as by Thomas Luke. A literal cover for a book about a haunted antique chair. Thanks to Kent Songer for the scan.
Title: The Heirloom Artist: Publisher: Sphere Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Mariano Baino, Masterton collector and most generous contributor to this site, says of this cover: this and Devils of D-day seem like two covers where the publishers had some paintings gathering dust somewhere so they just decided to stick them on the covers of some Masterton books, unless there was a dragon in Heirloom, a squiggly faced demon in D-Day and some scary looking eels in Night WarriorsIsn't there a dragon in every horror novel?Thanks to Mariano for the scan.
Title: The Heirloom Artist: Publisher: Firecrest Year: 1984 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A hardback edition of 'The Heirloom' from Ron Sutton's extraordinary collection. I love the devil/skull painting. Ron's hardcover collection from Firecrest seem to have pretty consistently good cover art. This being said, I'm kind of sad. Where's the dragon?
Title: The Heirloom Artist: Publisher: Sphere Year: 1981 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A paperback edition of The Heirloom. This one is another one of the "Scary Face" series (that's just my name for it) from Sphere. Make sure to also see: Charnel House, Devils of D-Day, The Wells of Hell and Revenge of The Manitou for similar looking editions from Sphere around this time period.
Title: Le trone de Satan Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A French edition of The Heirloom, here as the Throne of Satan. Thanks to Laurent Pannequin.