Title: The Djinn Artist: Uncredited Publisher: TOR Year: 1988 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This is a 1988 reprint of Masterton's wonderful novel from 1977. Harry Erskine, the clairvoyant hero of the Manitou series, is the protagonist here as well. This is one of my favorite Masterton covers. The colors are warm, the font is incredible and the artwork gives a feeling of forboding without going over the top.
Title: The Djinn Artist: Ed Soyka Publisher: Pinnacle Year: 1977, First Printing Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This Pinnacle edition is very similar to the The Manitou cover from Pinnacle. It has the same comparisons to contemporary horror novels. I agree, the Djinn is better than both The Omen and Salem's Lot. It's a progression ;-). A great example of early Masterton. I would assume this one is a cutout cover just like the Manitou. The woman here actually looks a lot like what I imagine the character 'Anna' from the book would look like. She has, as Harry Erskine put it: "...the kind of foxy-eyed look that always reminds me of Sophia Loren."I just posted the cutout interior of the Djinn. Now Ed Soyka seems to have a thing for attractive women getting snuck up on by evil creatures (see the Pinnacle Manitou edition). The creatures in question always have their hands in a certain position as well. I think I know what they have in mind. I think I know what I'd have in mind...
Thanks Kent Songer.
Title: The Djinn Artist: Les Edwards Publisher: Star Year: 1977 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This is the best cover I have seen yet for the Djinn. Another Mariano Baino marvel. Let's let Mariano tell the tale behind this cover: Irritatingly paperbacks never seem to credit the cover artists which is a real shame as some of the paintings are really great and the artist deserve recognition. In this case and in the case of the paperback edition of THE DJINN which I am sending you as well I was able to do a bit of private sleuthing and discovered who the artist was. I remembered I'd seen those paintings before...and then I remembered! They are in a beautiful book called ECHOES OF TERROR in which classic tales of terror are accompanied by incredibly creepy artwork. Amazingly I found the book immediately (I have so many books and so little space that most of the time finding a particular one is a job worthy of the most determined archeologist!) and found out the artist is Les Edwards.Thanks Mariano!
Title: The Djinn Artist: Les Edwards Publisher: WH Allen Year: 1976 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: An original hardback edition of The Djinn from 1976. The same Les Edwards painting Mariano sleuthed out above, but presented in a slighlty different way. Ron Sutton sends us this gem. Ahhhh, if I were wealthy I would own all of these things. But hey, I get to look at them on this website which is cool enough. Here ya go Bruce!
Title: Le Djinn Artist: Publisher: Fantastique Year: 1976 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another French Edition from Ron Sutton. Sometimes you can tell when a publisher has taken what is probably a great painting and just used it on a book because it's cool. I love this painting. I want the original hanging over my fireplace. Wait, I don't have a fireplace. I want it hanging over the place where my fireplace would go if I had one. And I don't just want the Queen of Hearts, I want the whole deck! That would require 52 fireplaces (more if I include the jokers. I better get a weekend job. Thanks Ron!
Title: Den Onda Anden (The Djinn) Artist: Publisher: B Wahlströms Bokindustri AB Year: 1978 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This is a Swedish edition of The Djinn. Lars-Ove Karlsson contributed this one and says of it: The phrase at the bottom right loosely translates to: Evil spirits in old urns are farytales! That's what I though until...As for the cover painting. Hubba-hubba! I think Sweden must be a bit looser than we are about nudity. As with the other covers from this Kalla Kårar series that Lars has contributed (this is number 48), I have no idea what it has to do with the book, but I like it, I like it.
Thanks for sharing Lars-Ove!
Title: Le djinn Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: The French take on The Djinn. Typical cover of the French Pocket paperback series which are all pretty interesting looking books. Laurent Pannequin sends us this from France. Thanks Laurent, very interesting to see the French editions!