Title: The Pariah
Artist: Carol Russo
Publisher: TOR
Year: 1987
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: My favorite Masterton cover of all time. I like it so much I swiped the painting for the header of this site. An incredible novel that deals with Masterton's usual encyclopedic knowledge of Indian folklore mixed with a great Puritan theme.

Title: The Pariah
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Star
Year: 1988
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Ah, the bleeding heart liberals of the world... Mick the Cutler will take care of them. I was surprised to find this edition in my possession, I don't remember buying it. This is a very gory and well done cover.

Title: The Pariah
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Sphere
Year: 1992
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Another great cover for The Pariah. This book just can't lose in the cover department. Submerged in bones, our hero cries out 'That f@#!ing hurts!"

Title: The Pariah
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: WH Allen
Year: 1984
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A UK hardback from collector Ron Sutton. This cover has the same layout as the Star edition above, but you can see the detail of the bleeding heart much better. Look at those drops of blood. Now if I was going to have my heart ripped out by a skeleton, I would definitely want it to be one clean rip. Mr. Bones has done an incredible job of ripping the thing out in one good go!

An excellent and frightening painting. Thanks again Ron.

Title: The Pariah
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Star
Year: 1983
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A 1983 Star edition of 'The Pariah'. A lot of GM's book covers feature people with horrible things happening to their faces. Be sure to check out covers of Plague,Family Portrait and Death Dream for other examples of this. This one looks especially hideous.

Thanks to Lars-Ove for contributing this edition.

Title: Le demon des morts
Publisher: Pocket
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A French edition of the Pariah. It's interesting to me how literally the titles of GM's books read in France.