Title: Silver Artist: uncredited Publisher: WH Allen Year: 1983 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another of GM's sagas. This one has a cover which tells a story. I've never read Silver so I don't know what that story is. I can guess from this cover it's something like: "Please Mr. Rich man, marry me, the prostitute.""I can't darling, I am in love with the cleaning lady."
Thanks to Ron Sutton for the contribution.
Title: Silver Artist: uncredited Publisher: Star Year: 1987 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A very newsrack-looking embossed cover for 'Silver'. Even though scans don't often capture shiny foil lettering too well, you can see how this one is executed. Kind of a boring cover, but hey, it's silver! Thanks Darksecretz for this edition from your impressive collection of GM's historical sagas!