Title: Scare Care
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: TOR
Year: 1990
Synopsis: A collection of short stories, GM editor
Comments: This collection was put together to benefit a trust for abused children that GM put together. As you can see, all of the big names in horror contributed. I think this is a great cover, the "Scare" font is very nicely executed. Includes Graham Masterton's incredible short story 'Changeling' which has been optioned for film.

Title: Scare Care
Artist: uncredited/Ronald Embleton
Publisher: Grafton
Year: 1991
Synopsis: A collection of short stories, GM editor
Comments: Another cover for Scare Care. Much better than the first. Included also is an illustration for the book with Frankenstein and Dracula playing with children. A great book for a great cause.

Thank you Mariano Baino.

Title: Scare Care
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: TOR
Year: 1989
Synopsis: Short story collection for the Scare Care Trust
Comments: This is the TOR hardback edition of scare care. It looks a lot like the paperback above but with a different color scheme. I have to get some of those cool glasses with the skull on them.

Thank you Ron Sutton.