Title: Mirror Artist: Jim Thiesen Publisher: TOR Year: 1989 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: I consider Mirror Masterton's best horror novel. The "Boofuls" character is one of the most memorable of all time. A decent cover, the mirror most definitely looks malevolent and the kid certainly has something going on that's not right.
Title: Mirror Artist: uncredited Publisher: Sphere Year: 1988 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A great double cover edition of mirror from the folks at Sphere. Sphere is right up there with Severn House in terms of the quality of some of it's covers. Mariano says:
...a rather fetching double cover of MIRROR from the SPHERE paperback edition 1988. The outer cover is just the mirror (and yes it has got a reflective surface) but when you open the book there's a second cover hiding inside! Just like opening your presents at Christmas!Another from his collection.
Title: Mirror Artist: Publisher: Severn House Year: 1988 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A new cover for Mirror. I don't quite get the connection to Masterton's novel, but I still like the painting and the standard Severn House layout.
Title: Mirror Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Here's a French edition of Mirror. I like the painting, which, as with many of the Pocket editions from France is a literal interpretation of a scene from the book.