Title: Maiden Voyage Artist: Uncredited Publisher: St. Martins Press Year: 1984 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another art-deco type of cover. I love the painting with the elongated figures in the foreground and the distorted ship in the background. Too bad the artist was not credited.
Title: Maiden Voyage Artist: Uncredited Publisher: Sphere Year: 1984 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A great cover I just picked up. A more realistic type of painting, overall captures the essence of the novel very well. Can't you just picture this guy saying "Hey baby, I'm David Hasselhoff of Baywatch fame. Why don't you make love to me on that ship over there you naughty little flapper?"
Title: Maiden Voyage Artist: Publisher: Year: 1984 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A hardcover edition from Kent Songer's collection.