Title: Ikon Artist: uncredited Publisher: TOR Year: 1983 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Ikon was another novel of political intrigue and terror. This cover fits well into that genre (I often see Ikon and Condor in the thriller section of bookstores rather than horror). The only thing I don't like is the rendering of the red claw. It's like an evil Soviet muppet is shredding our flag.
Title: Ikon Artist: Publisher: Star Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another cover for IKON sent along by Mariano Baino. Of this cover Mariano says: I know it looks like they didn't really make an effort with that one but, to be fair to the cover designer, one thing that doesn't come through in the scan is the fact that the writing has got a rather fetching red metallic effect to it...Hey, I'm all for minimalism when it works. So many book covers are too busy. It's like the art director tells the artist:"Make sure the cover has a skull, a naked woman, an octopus, a burning helicopter, a jack-o-lantern and a nazi flag..."I'll trust Mariano on the red metallic effect and we'll put a mark in the win column for this one.
Title: Ikon Artist: Publisher: WH Allen Year: 1983 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: This cover is very similar to the paperback edition above. Notice, however, how the tagline on the book was changed from hardback to paperback. It went from the probably too wordy: From the moment you read this book your life will never be the same again - but then it never was...Hmmm, I'm no expert on grammar, but when you analyze the various clauses in that sentence does it really make sense? It never was what? The same? The same again? I just don't get it. Leading us to the more succinct:IKON is the secret that has already changed your life.Now that one makes sense to me, but then, I'm a blue-collar paperback kind of guy.Thanks to Ron Sutton for pulling this wonderful hardback from his collection.