Title: The House That Jack Built Artist: Publisher: Year: 2000 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Again, this a great cover artistically, but the house pictured doesn't really match my idea of what was described in the book. I like the "noise" effect on the house picture. It must be much easier to generate these covers nowadays with all the cool effects computer programs such as Photoshop are capable of. The designs of modern covers seem to tend more towards abstract design and digitally retouched photographs rather than paintings.
Title: The House That Jack Built Artist: Uncredited Publisher: Leisure Books Year: 2000 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: I'm not too thrilled with this cover. It's a hardcover edition with a so-so abstract design on the cover. Publishing/Artist info coming soon. Thanks to Kent Songer for the scan.
Title: The House That Jack Built Artist: Uncredited Publisher: Mandarin, UK Year: 1996 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: I didn't know Jack built the house from Psycho! Either that or he's built himself an exact replica. Thanks to MB for the scan.
Title: Walhalla Artist: Publisher: Presses de la Cite Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Here's a really cool French version of The House That Jack Built. A very colorful painting. Thanks to Laurent for contributing his french editions of this book.
Title: Walhalla Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: Another french edition, this one in the Pocket series. Thanks to Laurent Pannequin for the scan.