Title: Headlines Artist: Uncredited Publisher: St. Martins Press Year: 1988 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: She's cute in a Brooke Shields kind of way. This cover screams mid-eighties Gordon "Greed is Good" Gecko. The embossing in the background is nice, but the cover itself looks very dated. Great novel, by the way.
Title: Headlines Artist: Uncredited Publisher: Century Year: 1986 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A UK Hardback edition of 'Headlines'. This is my favorite of the three editions pictured here. It's a nice painting and generally attractive to look at. Thanks to Ron Sutton for this prize.
Title: Headlines Artist: Uncredited Publisher: St. Martins Press Year: 1986 Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website Comments: A U.S. hardback edition of Headlines. Now notice the commonality between all of these covers. Newspaper, sex, newspaper, sex, newspaper, sex. Who needs the newspaper? Thanks to Ron Sutton.