Title: Flights of Fear Artist: Derek Colligan Publisher: Severn House Year: 1995 Synopsis: Severn House short story collection from 1995. Comments: Great illustration. This collection contains:
- Egg
- The Gray Madonna
- J R E Ponsford
- Voodoo Child
- Sex Object
- The Taking of Mr Bill
- Rug
- Mother of Invention
- Bridal Suite
- The Root of all Evil
- Will
- The Heart of Helen Day
- The Jajouka Scarab
- Absence of Beast
If Graham's stories are flights of fear I think all of us who look at this site have earned lots of frequent flyer miles.
Thanks to "St. Mariano of the Ritual" Baino.
Title: Les escales du cauchemar Artist: Publisher: Year: Synopsis: Short story collection from 1995. Comments: A Pocket French edition of this short story collection. Thanks to Laurent Pannequin for this one.