Title: Famine
Artist: Uncredited
Publisher: ACE Charter
Year: 1981
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Excellent thriller novel about a biological attack on the US in the form of a genetically engineered crop blight. This is a great cover. The shiny lettering seems to be very common in books published the early eighties. The color scheme is very restrained and the painting very well executed.

Title: Famine
Publisher: Sphere
Year: 1981
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Another cover for Famine. I really dig this one. Mariano sent it in with the following text:
once again, the scan doesn't do it justice. The writing and even the skeleton's hand holding the globe are lovely and shiny silver!
I heard a briefing on C-Span about Agro-Terrorism. One of the reasons the expert gave that organized terrorist groups had not committed many acts of this type was "they probably haven't thought of it yet". Sheesh. Hope they don't read this one.

Title: Famine
Publisher: Severn House
Year: 1981
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Now this cover is cool. It's like young Robert Raushcenberg does Masterton. Seriously, it's so different that I love it, beyond the fact it looks impossibly dated. It echoes "Hello-lo-lo. I've got my family here-ear-ear. We are looking for some food-ood-ood. We don't have any-any-any!"

Thank you Ron Sutton for this one which I can guarantee I would never have seen in any setting besides this website.

Title: Famine
Publisher: Sphere
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: I love this cover for 'Famine'. The skeleton painting is nicely highlighted and the font for the title is great. The cowboy boots are a nice touch, by the way.

Big thank you to John Mason for this one.

Title: Famine
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: From France comes Famine as a two part novel. I like the cover of these two. I wonder why it was split into two parts?

A big thank you to Laurent Pannequin for these covers.