Title: Corroboree
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A great cover for a novel that takes place in the Australian outback. She sure looks determined. I love the tagline:
It started with romance and ended with danger, deprivation and death.
That pretty much describes every romantic relationship I have ever had. At least the danger and deprivation parts.

Title: Corroboree
Artist: Cover Design by Tim Gaydos
Publisher: William Morrow
Year: 1990
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A recent acquisition of the webmaster. A beautiful cover for another of GM's historical epics. Australia is the setting for this one as Eyre Walker searches the outback for a gathering together of the nomadic tribes.

Title: Corroboree
Publisher: Star
Year: 1985
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Darksecretz sends us this Star paperback edition of Corroboree. It's a nice cover painting that wraps around the front and rear covers of the book. Our hero, Eyre Walker, stands in front of a gathering of Aborgines.

I read in an interview that GM has a "soft spot" for this one and it may be his favorite of his own work. It is an excellent novel set in Australia and loosely based on real historical events. Thanks Darksecretz!