Well, the alternate cover contest was decided and below are the winners of first, second and third place. Film director Mariano Baino took home first place, a signed limited proof copy of TRAUMA, with his brilliant cover for 'Mirror'. Mariano is a very talented visual artist and eschews the Photoshop plug-in approach to art.

Hey, speaking of the Adobe Photoshop plug-in approach to art, yours truly took home second place, a signed copy of Spirit for my take on the excellent novel House of Bones.

Kent Songer took third with his creepy marionette take on Tengu. He even mispelled Graham's name to give his alternate cover built in collectible value.

As Graham MAsterton put it:

3rd prize is a signed photograph of me and my dog, which is also very rare because I don't have a dog.
Hmm, haven't heard from Kent in a while. I'd still be interested in seeing that photo!

Stay tuned for the next cover design contest coming soon!

Title: Mirror
Artist: Mariano Baino
Year: 2001
Comments: Mariano's take on 'Mirror'. Mariano is a great conventional artist and he uses a mixture of computer and traditional art technicques to arrive at these wonderful alternate covers. This is my favorite one yet.

Title: House of Bones Alternate Cover
Artist: Ken Arneson
Year: 2001
Comments: Maybe this is a little too mature a cover for a YA book, but hey, I'm not a Young Adult! At least not as young as I used to be. I tend towards abstraction of realistic photographs in my design. Probably because I'm a lousy painter!

Title: Tengu
Artist: Kent Songer
Year: 2001
Comments: This is my personal favorite from Kent. Fits well with the theme of the book.


Title: The Burning
Artist: Kent Songer
Year: 2001
Comments: Kent Songer's take on 'The Burning'. Very well done, I love the painting.

Title: Black Angel
Artist: Kent Songer
Year: 2001
Comments: Another from Kent Songer. Black Angel. That's a very cool effect on the face.

Title: The Manitou
Artist: Mariano Baino
Year: 2001
Comments: An alternate cover for 'The Manitou' by Mario Baino. Very well done and spooky.

Title: The Manitou
Artist: Mariano Baino
Year: 2001
Comments: What a wonderful cover for the Manitou. Check out the cool burning effect on the photograph and the demon face in the smoke. Bravo, Mariano!
Title: Walkers Alternate Cover
Artist: Ken Arneson
Year: 2001
Comments: Walkers is an amazing book. Blood and bricks baby, that says it all. It ain't Brick Man, but then, few things are.

Title: The Burning Alternate Cover
Artist: Ken Arneson
Year: 2001
Comments: An alternate cover for GM's novel of self immolation and religious fervor. This novel was originally called 'The Hymn' and it contains one of my favorite GM characters, Lloyd "Unca Tug" Denman.

Title: Chosen Child Cover
Artist: Ken Arneson
Year: 2001
Comments: My take on the fabulous Chosen Child.