Title: Plague
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: ACE
Year: 1978
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Plague is another disaster genre thriller. This cover is subdued and attractive.

Title: Plague
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: WH Allen
Year: 1983
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: As you can see, W.H. Allen chose to put a picture of a typical american teenager on the cover of this hardback edition of Plague. Or maybe I am missing the point?

Major Props to Ron Sutton, Master of the Maniotu Man.

Title: Plague
Artist: uncredited
Publisher: Star
Year: 1977
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: Mag Read sends us this edition of Plague. What an amazing cover! From a design standpoint I love it, but it really doesn't look much like a book, does it? Bravo to Star for making such an interesting design choice and bravo to Mag for sharing this one with us!

Title: Le Mort Noire
Publisher: LEFRANCQ
Synopsis: See Graham Masterton Official Website
Comments: A really cool French edition of Plague. I love the illustration. This is a hardcover from laurent Pannequin's extensive collection.